Ruth Neustifter

Orion Neustifter, Associate Professor, CFT
Associate Professor, RPTP
Department of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition
Phone number: 
519-824-4120 x53975
Macdonald Stewart Hall, Room 324

Research interests: LGBTQ+ , Queer, Trans, Consensual Non-Monogamy, BDSM, Sex, Sexuality, Pleasure, Gender, Trauma, Relational Violence, Minority Stress, Anti-Oppression, Resilience, Strengths Based, Intersectionality

Area: RPTP

Research description: My research is focused on using qualitative approaches to explore (1) intersectional experiences of those who are sexual or gender minorities, and/or who build non-traditional relationship structures and (2) the long term, relational resilience of trauma survivors.

PhD (Child and Family Development) - University of Georgia, 2009

MSST/MFT (MS Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy) - University of Louisville, 2005