Jade Da Costa

Ph.D. in Sociology, York University, 2023
M.A. in Sociology, Western University, 2016
B.A. in Sociology & English Literature, Western University, 2014
Da Costa, J. (Forthcoming). ‘I don’t feel like an activist’: Monstrous Subjectivities and the Racial Elsewheres of Queer “Activism". TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.
Da Costa, J. (Forthcoming). Erotic Pedagogy: Decolonizing Sex Ed. In Koch, M., Schmidt, J., & Schwarz, C.R. (eds.) 30 Years of Stone Butch Blues: An Anthology.
Da Costa, J. (Forthcoming). Fat Brown Queer Kid: Pathologizing Unruly ‘Girls’. Feral Feminisms.
Da Costa, J. (Forthcoming). Student Choice Projects as Engaged Pedagogy within the Neoliberal University. In Butler, M.L., Davis-McElligatt, J., & Feifer, M. (Eds.) bell hooks' Radical Pedagogy: New Visions of Feminism, Justice, Love, and Resistance in the Classroom. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Da Costa, J. (2024). Charity Not Solidarity: COVID-19 and the Non-Profitization of Mutual Aid in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies. 58(1): 78-96. https://doi.org/10.3138/jcs-2022-0021
Da Costa, J. (2023). Theory Is Not a Luxury: Literary Studies, Sociology, and Minoritarian Critique. Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review. 255: 77-99.
Da Costa, J. (2023, November 17). Missing Curriculum: We Need to Teach Postsecondary Students about HIV/AIDS Resistance. Academic Matters: OCUFA’s Journal of Higher Education.
Da Costa, J. (2022). Monstrous Awakenings: Queer Necropolitics in Vivek Shraya and Ness Lee’s Death Threat. Feminist Theory, 1–29. doi.org/10.1177/14647001221085944
Da Costa, J. (2022). Becoming Sisters, Becoming Free: Black Feminism, Sisterhood, and Social Justice. Pp. 19–36 in Davis, D.J., Davis-Maye, D., Jones, T.B., & Andrew, J. (eds.) Black Sisterhoods: Paradigms and Praxis. Demeter Press.
Da Costa, J. (2021). Pride Parades in Queer Times: Disrupting Time, Norms, and Nationhood in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies, 54(2-3):434–458. DOI: 10.3138/jcs-2020-0045
Da Costa, J. (2021). Plastic Encounters: COVID-19 and (De)Racialisation in Canada. Pp. 201–217 in Kouba, P., Malabou, C., Swain, D., & Urban, P. (Eds.) Unchaining Solidarity: On Mutual Aid and Anarchism with Catherine Malabou. Rowman & Littlefield.
Da Costa, J. (2021). The 'New' White Feminism: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism and the Problem of Biological Determinism in Western Feminist Theory. Pp. 317–334 in Carter, K. & Brunton, J. (eds.) TransNarratives: Scholarly and Creative Works on Transgender Experiences. Women's Press.
SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2023
J.H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellowship, 2022
The Henry Mandelbaum Graduate Fellowship, 2022
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 2020
Academic Awards
Mary-Jo Nadeau Activist Scholar Award, 2022
Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award, 2022
The Best Article published in the Journal of Canadian Studies, 2021
Teaching Awards
John O'Neil Teaching Award, 2019
Western's Graduate Student Teaching Award, 2016
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2019
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2018
York Graduate Scholarship, 2016
The Western Scholarship of Distinction, 2009
Da Costa, J. (2024, June 1). Fluid [Short Story]. IdentiQueer Magazine, Issue 1. Print.
Da Costa, J. (2022). Re: What is wealth inequality? Studies in Social Justice, 16(3): 649–651. Available here.
Da Costa, J. (2022). Feminism Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow. Pp. 63–66 in Colburn, E. & Schwartz, A. (eds.) Centre for Feminist Research: 30th Anniversary Collection, Centre for Feminist Research. York University.
Da Costa, J. (2022). An Anthropology of Sleeplessness. Pp. 12 -16 Rebecca Rijsdijk (ed.) Quarterly Anthology, Sunday Mornings at the River Poetry Press. Eindhoven.
Da Costa, J. (2022). Airwaves. The Uncoiled Magazine, Issue 3. Print.
Da Costa, J. (2022). Mixed. Orangepeel Literary Magazine, Issue 3. Available here.
Da Costa, J. (2021). Motherland. Re:locations: Journal of the Asia and Pacific World. Available here.
Da Costa, J. (2020). Interesting. Feminist Review, 126: 148–150. https://doi.org/10.1177/0141778920911946
Da Costa, J. (2020). “History”, “Colourblind” and “To the person”. In Carlos Steward (ed.) The Sixty-Four Best Poets of 2019. Black Mountain Press.
Da Costa, J. (2019). “ben” and “Friendship.” Featured poet in The Halcyone, 1(4), 6-7, 32.
Research Grants
Title: Exacerbated Hunger: Addressing Racialized Food Insecurity in the Era of COVID-19
Agency: The Social Science and Humanities Research Council
Amount: $69,285
Period: 06/24-08/26
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: Erotic Pedagogy: Decolonizing PK–12 Sexual Education
Agency: SOGI UBC
Amount: $3,000
Period: 02/22-06/22
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: Erotic Pedagogy: Decolonizing PK–12 Sexual Education
Grant: Academic Excellence Fund
Agency: York University
Amount: $700
Period: 09/22-10/22
Role: Principal Investigator
Community Grants
Organization: The People's Pantry
Agency: Community Food Centre Canada
Grant: Good Food Access Fund
Amount: $50,000
Period: 2020-2021
Organization: The People's Pantry
Agency: TELUS Friendly Future Foundation
Amount: $20,000
Period: 2020-2021
Organization: The People's Pantry
Grant: United Way Local Love Fund
Agency: United Way Greater Toronto
Amount: $10,000
Period: July 2020
Organization: The People's Pantry
Agency: FoodShare Emergency Good Food Box initiative
Agency: FoodShare-Toronto
Amount: $6,500
Period: 2020-2021
Organization: The People's Pantry
Agency: MAZON Canada
Amount: $3,000
Period: 2021-2022
Community-Based Projects
Cofounder and Leader, The People's Pantry
Founder and Editor in Chief, New Sociology
Teacher and Curator, Student Choice Project
Founder and Director, Paper Roads
Select Public Sociology & Media Presence
- Da Costa, J. (2024, April 28). This food program delivers affordable meals to more than 20,000 clients in Toronto. Here’s why it’s in jeopardy. [Toronto Star Interview]. Available here
- Da Costa, J. (2023, January 28). The pandemic prompted people to care for their neighbours like never before. What’s next for mutual aid groups? [Globe and Mail Interview]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2022, July 20). Number of volunteers dropping just as demand is spiking, Toronto community groups warn. [CBC Interview]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2022, March 16). ‘Solidarity, not charity': Mutual Aid Groups Created in Response to COVID-19 are Still Helping Food Insecure Torontonians Post-Pandemic. [The Green Line Interview]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2021, May 20) ‘Solidarity, not charity’: The People’s Pantry connects volunteer cooks with those experiencing food insecurity in the GTA [Toronto Star Interview]. Available here.
- Banerji, A., & Da Costa, J. (2023, Nov 11). Still Brazen Episode 4: “‘I Don’t Want to Be Pretty, But I Do Want to Be Brown’: Anurima Banerji and Jade Da Costa in Conversation about Constructing South Asian Femme-ness through Poetry [Center of Feminist Research Podcast]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2023, May 16). Sexuality Studies for Critical Classrooms and Mutual Aid with Jade Crimson Rose Da Costa [Sexuality Studies Spotlight Podcast]. Available here.
- Alfaro, R. A., & Da Costa, J. (2021, April 12). Ep. 007 The People’s Pantry [Atlas of Resistance Podcast]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. Dadui, K., Khalema, T., & Lena, G. (2020, July 9). Reframing Gender Panel with Tsholo, Gitanjali, Kusha & Jade [Possibilities Podcast]. Available here.
Broadcast & Film
- Da Costa, J., et al. (2021, September 23). The People’s Pantry [Vimeo Documentary]. Available here.
- Cohen, A. Da Costa, J. & Tran, M. (2020, October 14). 'Food is Love': Volunteers look to continue feeding Toronto with 'The People's Pantry' [CTV News Interview]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. & Gracia, Y. (2020, April 23). The People’s Pantry is Helping Combat Food Insecurity [CityNews Toronto Interview]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2021, January 11). The People’s Pantry in Toronto provides free home-cooked meals to those in need [BlogTo]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. Gracia, Y. &, Kur, E.A. (2020, October 20). Reasons to Love Toronto. No. 1: Because our home chefs are feeding the hungry [Toronto Life]. Available here.
- Da Costa, J. (2020, August 13). Grad student addresses food insecurity in Ontario as co-founder of a grassroots community initiative [yFile]. Available here.
- Alfaro, R.A., Da Costa, J. Gracia, Y. &, Kur, E.A. (2020, June 3). ‘The People’s Pantry’ Gives Free Food to Torontonians Experiencing Food Insecurity [HuffPost Canada]. Available here.