Brian Lo

As a nutrition and health researcher, Dr. Lo conducts impact-oriented research that addresses social, cultural and environmental influences on food choices and other weight-related behaviours among underserved populations. Dr. Lo began his research career by working as an independent research consultant for Toronto Public Health. In this role, he developed the Toronto Nutrition Environment Measures Survey-Store (ToNEMS-S), a retail food environment assessment tool, which has been widely used by academic institutions, public health agencies and local food organizations to monitor the healthfulness of the retail food environments in their jurisdictions. For his doctoral work at Cornell University, he received various grants and awards to examine the weight, diet, physical activity and social impacts of a multilevel weight loss intervention that targeted rural women in Montana and upstate New York who were overweight or obese. During his postdoctoral training at Boston College School of Social Work, he examined the trajectory of fathers’ weight and weight-related behaviours (e.g. diet, physical activity and sleep) and how their engagement with their children influenced those behaviours from prebirth to two years after birth. At the University of Guelph, Dr. Lo’s projects focus on the following:
1) The impacts of parenthood on fathers’ diets and health
2) Fathers’ roles in their children’s diets and childhood obesity prevention
3) Stress interventions targeting immigrant parents
4) Postdoctoral fellows’ physical and psychological health
Postdoctoral Fellow - Boston College School of Social Work, 2022
PhD (Community Nutrition) - Cornell University, 2019
MPH (Community Nutrition) - University of Toronto, 2013
BASc (Nutrition and Food) - Toronto Metropolitan University, 2011
NUTR*3070 Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions
NUTR*4900 Selected Topics in Human Nutrition - Community Nutrition
FRAN*6000 Quantitative Research Methods
*student mentee
Lo BK, Haneuse SJ, McBride BA, Redline S, Taveras TM, Davison KK. Prospective associations between fathers’ engagement in infant caregiving and their weight-related behaviors and mental health. American Journal of Men’s Health. 2022;16(1):15579883221079152.
Lo BK, McTernan M, Haines J, Savage JS, Kugler KC, Haneuse SJ, Redline S, Taveras EM, Davison KK. Development and psychometric properties of the Sleep Parenting Scale for Infants. Behavioral Medicine. 2021: In Press.
Lo BK, Kang A, Haneuse SJ, Yu X, Ash T, Redline S, Taveras TM, Davison KK. Changes in fathers’ body mass index, sleep, and diet from pre to 12-months post birth: Exploring the moderating roles of parenthood experience and coparenting support. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2021;55(12):1211-1219.
Lo BK, Graham ML, Folta SC, Strogatz D, Parry SA, Seguin-Fowler RA. Physical activity and healthy eating behavior changes among rural women: An exploratory mediation analysis of a randomized multilevel intervention trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2021;11(10):1839-1848.
Davison KK, Franckle RL, Lo BK, Ash T, Yu X, Haneuse SJ, Redline S, Taveras TM. Infant sugar sweetened beverage and 100% juice consumption: Racial/ethnic differences and links with fathers' consumption in a longitudinal cohort. Preventive Medicine Report. 2021;22:101324.
Lo BK, Graham ML, Eldridge G, Donoso MR, Folta SC, Strogatz D, Nelson ME, Paul LC, Parry SA, Seguin RA. Ripple effects of a community-based randomized trial for rural women: Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities. Obesity. 2020;28:1224-1234.
Mah CL, Luongo G, Hasdell R, Taylor N, Lo BK. A systematic review of the effect of retail food environment interventions on diet and health with a focus on the enabling role of public policies. Current Nutrition Reports. 2019;8(4):411-428.
Lo BK, Megiel S,* Liu E,* Folta SC, Graham ML, Seguin RA. Associations between frequency of food shopping at different food sources and fruit and vegetable intake among rural residents in upstate New York. Public Health Nutrition. 2019;22(13):2472-2478.
Lo BK, Loui C,* Folta S, Flickinger A, Connor L, Liu E,* Megiel S,* Seguin RA. Self-efficacy and cooking confidence are associated with fruit and vegetable intake in a cross-sectional study with rural women. Eating Behaviors. 2019;33:34-39.
Lo BK, Graham ML, Folta SC, Paul L, Strogatz D, Nelson ME, Parry SA, Carfagno ME, Wing D, Higgins M, Seguin RA. Examining the associations between Walk Score, perceived built environment, and physical activity behaviors among women participating in a community randomized lifestyle change intervention trial: Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(5):849.
Haynes-Maslow L, Osborne I, Jilcott Pitts S, Sitaker M, Byker Shanks C, Leone L, Maldonado A, McGuirt J, Andress L, Bailey-Davis L, Baquero B, Kolodinski J, Lo BK, Morgan EH, Seguin RA, Ammerman A. Rural corner store owners’ perceptions of stocking healthier foods in response to proposed SNAP retailer rule changes. Food Policy. 2018;81:58-66.
Haynes-Maslow L, Andress L, Jilcott Pitts S, Osborne I, Baquero B, Bailey-Davis L, Byker-Shanks C, Houghtaling B, Kolodinsky J, Lo BK, Morgan E, Piltch E, Prewitt E, Seguin RA, Ammerman A. Arguments used in public comments to support or oppose the USDA's minimum stocking requirements in 2016: A content analysis. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2018;118(9):1664-1672.
Lo BK, Morgan EH, Folta S, Graham M, Nelson M, Jew N,* Moffat L,* Seguin RA. Environmental influences on physical activity among rural adults in Montana, United States: Views from built environment audits, resident focus groups, and key informant interviews. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017;14(10):1173.
Seguin RA, Lo BK, Sriram U, Connor LM, Totta A*. Development and testing of a community audit tool to assess rural built environments: Inventories for Community Health Assessment in Rural Towns (iCHART). Preventive Medicine Report. 2017;7:169-175.
Lo BK, Minaker, L, Mah CL, Cook B. Development and testing of the Toronto Nutrition Environment Measures Survey-Store (ToNEMS-S). Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2016;48(10):723-729.
Lo BK, Minaker L, Chan AN,* Hrgetic J,* Mah CL. Adaptation and validation of a Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for university Grab-and-Go establishments. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 2016;77(1):17-24.
Gucciardi E, Chan VW, Lo BK, Fortugno M, Horodezny S, Swartzack S. Patients’ perspectives on their use of diabetes education centres in Peel-Halton region in Southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2012;36(4), 214–217.