Registration, Course Selection, and Forms
- Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) [1]: Its role is to maintain academic standards, integrity of graduate programs and assist graduate student with the successful completion of their academic students. Core graduate program forms and documents need to be printed double-sided. This is the only format accepted by OGS.
- WebAdvisor [2]: Provides student access to course registration, class/exam scheduling, account summary, billing and payments.
Technology Support
- Computing and Communication Services (CCS) [3]: CCS offers a number of useful services to students, staff and course instructors. For example, the test scoring/scanning service [4] (located in the basement of Johnston Hall - Room 003) enables instructors to scan and score multiple choice tests and examinations that use Test Scoring Answer sheets.
- Teaching Support Services (TSS) [5]: TSS supports [6] graduate teaching assistants and faculty with classroom equipment, video conferencing, courseware and new technology.
Research Aids
- McLaughlin Library [7]: For more detailed information on how to reserve course materials, contact the E-Learning Services and Reserve Services, ext. 53621. The contact person at the library for our department is Peggy Pritchard [8]
, ext. 54626. A library tour is scheduled each September for new graduate students.
- The Learning Commons [9] is a collaborative help centre designed to support and enhance undergraduate and graduate student learning, writing, research, numeracy, and technology.
- RefWorks [10] is a web-based bibliography and database management system that allows you to import citations/reference into a document. Instructional guidelines can be found at Creating a Refworks Account and the Quick Start Guide [11]
- It is a good idea to review the Tri-agency Statement of Principles on Key Professional Skills for Researchers [12]
- Looking for Research Participants [13]? The Office of Research [14] offers a service for researchers to advertise their research projects in order to interest potential applicants. Research projects posted are reviewed by the Research Ethics Board and comply with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans [15] and Good Clinical Practices Guidelines [16].
- Tips on fostering a healthy Student-Advisor Relationship [17]
- The Graduate Student Learning Initiative (GSLI) [18] offers a number of free workshops for graduate students each semester, as well as individual assistance, and special events. To view the complete list of workshops for graduate students, visit the online registration system [19]. You can also join the GSLI listserv. To subscribe, send an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UOGUELPH.CA [20]
with the command (paste it!): SUBSCRIBE GSLI
- D2L: Teaching Support Services [21] offers introduction workshops for course designers at the beginning of each semester. You are encouraged to register early [22]!
Campus Associations
- Graduate Student Association (GSA) [23]: All graduate students of the University of Guelph, including part-time students, are members of the association and are encouraged to participate in the Graduate Student Associations’events and activities [24].
- The Student Life [25] website offers information for and about new students, inter-cultural affairs, Leadership and Community Engagement, and Off Campus Living. There is also a listing of exciting trips and activities [26] planned each semester.
- CUPE 3913 [27] is the Union representing Teaching Assistants (Unit 1) and Sessional Lecturers (Unit 2) at the University of Guelph.