Andrea Breen

Van Patter, L., Linares-Roake, J. & Breen, A.V. (in press). What does One Health want? Feminist, post-human, and anti-colonial possibilities. One Health Outlook.
Iacobucci, M., Smoliak, O., & Breen, A.V. (2022). The experiences of young sibling caregivers: A qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 14.
Myrie, R., Breen, A. V., & Ashbourne, L. (2021). “Finding my Blackness, finding my rhythm”: Music and identity development in African, Caribbean and Black young adults. Emerging Adulthood.
Wilson, S., Breen, A.V., & DuPré, L. (2021). Mining for culture or researching for justice? Unsettling psychology through Indigenist conversation. In K. C. McLean (Ed). Cultural methods in psychology: Describing and transforming cultures. Oxford University Press.
Breen, A.V. (2020). Lessons from my dogs: Reflections on animal rights and dog training. Journal of the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants, 18.
Breen, A.V. & Chalmers, H. (2020). Building resilience in Covid-19. Child and Youth Services.
Rice, C., Dion, S., Fowlie, H. & Breen, A.V. (2020). Identifying and working through settler ignorance. Critical Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2020.1830818
Walton, K., Breen, A, V., Gruson-Wood, J., Jewell, K., Haycraft, E. & Haines, J. (2020). Dishing on dinner: A life course approach to understanding the family meal context among families with preschoolers. Public Health Nutrition. DOI: 10.1017/s1368980020001779
S. Wilson, A.V. Breen, A.V. & L. DuPré (Eds.) (2019). Research and Reconciliation: Unsettling Ways of Knowing through Indigenous Relationships. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Breen, A.V. (2019). You do not belong here: Storying allyship in an ugly sweater. In S. Wilson, A.V. Breen & L. DuPré (Eds.). Research and reconciliation: Unsettling ways of knowing through Indigenous relationships. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Breen, A. V., Scott, C., & McLean, K. C. (2019). The “stuff” of narrative identity: Touring big and small stories in emerging adults’ dorm rooms. Qualitative Psychology.
Areguy, F., Mock, S., Breen, A.V., Van Rhijn, T. & Wilson, K. (2019). Communal orientation, benefit finding and coping among young carers. Journal of Child and Youth Services, 40, 1-20.
Walton, K., Haycraft, E., Jewell, K., Breen, A. V., Simpson, J. R., & Haines, J. (2019). The Family Mealtime Observation Study (FaMOS): Exploring the Role of Family Functioning in the Association Between Mothers’ and Fathers’ Food Parenting Practices and Children’s Nutrition Risk. Nutrients.
Ingram, C. M., Breen, A.V. & van Rhijn, T. (2019). Teaching for well-being? Introducing mindfulness in an undergraduate course. Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2017.1409343
Walton, K., Horton, N.J., Rifas-Shiman, A., Field, E., Austin, S. B., Haycraft, E., Breen, A. V., & Haines, J. (2018). Exploring the role of family functioning in the association between frequency of family dinners and dietary intake among adolescents and young adults. JAMA Network Open. DOI:
Breen, A.V., Twigger, K., Duvieusart-Dery, C., Boulé, J., Borgo, A., et al. (2018). We learn by doing: Teaching and learning Knowledge Translation skills at the graduate level. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9.
Breen, A. V. & McLean, K. C. (2017). The intersection of personal and master narratives: Is redemption for everyone? In B. Schiff, E., McKim, & S. Patron (Eds.), Life and Narrative: The Risks and Responsibilities of Storying Experience (pp. 197-213). Oxford University Press.
Walton, K., Kuczynski, L., Haycraft, E., Breen, A.V., & Haines, J. (2017). Time to re-think picky eating? A relational approach to understanding picky eating. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14. Time to Re-Think Picky Eating? A Relational Approach to Understanding Picky Eating. DOI: 10.1186/s12966-017-0520-0.
Cairney, K. & Breen, A.V. (2017). Listening to their lives: Learning through narrative in an undergraduate practicum course. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. DOI: 10.5206/cjsotl-rcacea.2017.3.3
Breen, A.V. McLean, K.C., Cairney, K. & McAdams, D. P. (2016). Movies, books and identity: Exploring the narrative ecology of the self. Qualitative Psychology.
McLean, K. C. & Breen, A. V. (2016). Selves in a world of stories during emerging adulthood. In J. Arnett (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Emerging Adulthood (385-420). New York: Oxford University Press.